The stimulation according to Professor Han
Electrostimulation is a successful method of getting pain under control and relieving pain and tension without the use of painkillers. This is done with a TENS device , which is also suitable for use at home. The stimulation according to Professor Han is particularly effective here.
What is TENS?
Anyone who suffers from pain - regardless of whether it is acute or chronic - has several options for treating and relieving it. The first to be mentioned is treatment with pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory drugs, which never tackle the root of the problem, but always only combat the effects. In addition, regular use can lead to significant side effects.
Furthermore, depending on the symptoms, applications with cold or heat, physiotherapy or chirotherapy provide relief. Of course, it is also conceivable to combine the therapies mentioned with one another.
TENS therapy is a frequently used procedure in pain medicine, which is particularly advantageous because you, as a patient, can also carry out this application at home with your own TENS device. Electrodes attached to the skin are used to deliver electrical impulses to the affected areas. This irritates the nerves and causes a pain-relieving reaction.
There are a number of advantages for the pain-stricken patient: the use of TENS has almost no side effects when used correctly, it can be combined with other treatments and even supports them, it is suitable for long-term treatment and can also be carried out at home.
How does TENS work?
The human organism is able to reduce pain by releasing pain-relieving substances. By using TENS, it is possible to support and accelerate this process. TENS devices can be individually adjusted in intensity, so that optimal pain relief is possible for each patient.
Stimulation according to Professor Han
The stimulation according to Prof. Han has proven to be particularly effective and effective. It is stimulated alternately with low , then with higher frequencies . The higher frequency causes the body's endorphins to be released, which prevents the transmission of pain information. Another advantage of working with changing frequencies: The habituation effect is significantly lower with the stimulation according to Professor Han and the treatment therefore has a more lasting and longer effect. By the way, if used correctly, this procedure is almost entirely free of side effects .
Stimulation according to Professor Han with stimulation current: are there any contraindications?
In general, the TENS application for reducing pain is suitable for everyone, but there are also a few exceptions. Please refrain from doing this or you should speak to your doctor beforehand for the following groups of people:
- People suffering from heart disease
- People with pacemakers
- Pregnant women
- People suffering from epilepsy
- People with cardiovascular insufficiency
- People with electrically powered implants
The application of TENS
In the meantime, many pain clinics and physiotherapy practices are working with TENS and the stimulation according to Professor Han. If you have such a device at home, you save yourself the trip to the therapist or the clinic and thus also time. Using a TENS device is also very easy to do at home and just as effective if you do it regularly.
In acute pain conditions, the TENS device can be used daily and the current should be adjusted so that you feel a slight tingling sensation. Here applies: Less is more, instead of a lot helps a lot. However, a positive effect does not occur immediately, but only after a few days. If there is no success at first, it is advisable to continue the application for at least 2 weeks.
On which parts of the body can the TENS device be used?
Therapy with the TENS device is suitable for use on the following parts of the body with suitable electrodes:
- Hip
- Knee
- Shoulders
- neck
- Back
- hand
- Foot
It is also possible to treat phantom pain, scar pain, nerve pain.
Stimulation according to Professor Han: How does the application with the axion TENS device work?
With the help of the appropriate adhesive electrodes and the axion TENS device, it is very easy for laypersons to carry out the stimulation according to Professor Han at home. The electrodes are simply attached to the painful part of the body and then the treatment can begin. The professional TENS EMS combination device STIM-PRO X9 has Han stimulation integrated in its pre-installed programs, you can find it under P13.
With program 13 of the STIM-PRO X9 you can carry out the stimulation according to Professor Han comfortably at home
The electrodes for the axion TENS device
electrodes are available in our shop in different sizes to suit every part of the body that is to be treated. If the pain area is larger, it can also be covered with several small electrodes.
It is advisable to work with self-adhesive electrodes that can be used several times. After use, the electrodes are simply stuck back onto the foil so that they remain largely clean. If the adhesive strength decreases, a few drops of water can be used to make them stick better again. If the electrodes no longer stick, they can be easily and inexpensively replaced. Both the axion TENS device and all accessories for stimulation according to Professor Han can be found in our shop.
Stimulation according to Professor Han: How long is the treatment?
This varies depending on the complaint. Normally, a treatment of 30 minutes per session is recommended. If you have never worked with TENS, it is best to start with one application per day and then increase this to up to 4 times per day. If there is an improvement, the number of treatments can be gradually reduced again.
If you are under medical treatment, you should inform your doctor about the TENS application. In any case, the TENS stimulation according to Professor Han can be well combined with other measures in order to achieve a mutual strengthening of the effect.